Choose your Subscription Plan

We have different plans, according to your professional scenario.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I try MaWe without paying for my subscription?

Of course, with our Basic plan you can register and access a totally free trial with all the functions. This plan is designed to give you the opportunity to assess whether mawe is the correct data collection tool for your project. You can create a project, invite your colleagues to collaborate, and collect up to 30 measurements. In case you do not want to continue with mawe you can export your project in an Excel file to continue your project by other means. In case you want to continue with mawe you can upgrade to one of our subscription plans.

What is a Project?

A project is a database you build on mawe. A project has cases, variables, and corresponding measurements.  It can be a research study, a database or a continuous record for monitoring, monitoring and evaluation.

What is a measurement?

A measurement is each value that is recorded for a case. For example, if I have 5 cases and 10 variables, this corresponds to 50 total measurements. However, if you use longitudinal variables (repeated measurements), each collection of a new value of the same variable is considered a measurement.

How can I pay for my annual subscription?

The subscription modality is through our payment management system. You can subscribe with a debit or credit card. The debit is monthly and automatic.

None of the plans fit what I need

Do not worry. We can design a plan especially for you. We also have plans for companies and institutions customized and suitable to measure. Do not hesitate to contact us (


Your data will be kept stored on the platform for 3 months following the completion of your annual mawe subscription. You can go back to anytime during that period and view or export your data. Once your annual subscription ends, it is not possible to make new measurements until it is renewed


No. Users you’ve invited to collaborate on your project don’t require any type of subscription plan. They only need to register to generate a user and password to access the platform.

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